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Review – Parks Game

Parks Game Cards

Parks is a stunningly beautiful game and a blast to play! I recently received a copy of the game “Parks” by Keymaster Games (Kickstarter edition) from a family member who knows that I love National Parks. The first thing that struck me about the game is it’s beautiful! The park cards (48 of them) and […]

Kennesaw Mountain

Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park, Georgia preserves the site of the last major battle in the defense of Atlanta from Sherman’s advancing forces during the American Civil War. Despite being outnumbered 2:1, Johnston’s Confederates held out against Sherman’s forces in two separate attacks in June of 1964. While it was a tactical victory for the […]

Indiana Dunes

Indiana Dunes

The Park Indiana Dunes was initially protected in 1966 and became a National Park in 2019. It protects about 20 miles of lakeshore in a heavily developed corner of the Great Lakes. Visitor Rating (write your own review below) Official NPS Website Indiana Dunes NP Write Your Own Review

National Capital Parks East

National Capital Parks-East is a collection of National Park Service sites on the Maryland side of D.C.  The sites include open spaces, homes of historical figures, boardwalks and piers, old forts, and even farms. Visitor Rating (write your own review below) ILNP Rating  ILNP Park Review Our Visit. I visited the southernmost of the National […]

Chimney Rock

Chimney Rock National Monument, Colorado, was established in 2012 on San Juan National Forest land surrounded by the Ute Reservation. Its twin rock spires high on a ridge inspired the name, but the monument protects several sites of ancient Puebloan ruins built by the Chaco people. Visitor Rating (write your own review below) ILNP Rating  […]