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What’s in a Name?

Ever wondered why there are so many different types of parks in the National Parks system? National Park, National Monument, National Historic Park–what’s the difference? National Park. The term “National Park” was the original name used for the first several tracts of land set aside by Congress to protect primarily scenic wonders from encroaching development. […]

Welcome to the new I Love National Parks...


Welcome to ILNP’s new and improved website, just in time for the 100th birthday of the National Park Service! You’ll still find the same great reviews and tips, but now YOU have the power to add your own great reviews and tips to help others enjoy their National Park experience. Just think about it–YOU have a lot to add, […]

National Parks in Winter

Rocky Mountain NP elk

For most of us National Park fans who live where there are seasons, winter is a time to stay inside and plan trips for next summer. Not surprisingly, the vast majority of people visit the parks in summer, but winter can actually be a great time to experience a National Park. Of course, there are […]